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Couples Counselling

'Happily ever after' doesn't simply happen. ...good relationships are no accident

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Coaching & Workshops

Couples Counselling: Online & In Person


Using resources from specialist training with The Gottman Institute, Tony has created a unique and highly structured relationship enrichment service that enables Couples to grow and future-proof their relationship. Couples are provided a relationship assessment, create a relationship accord, and participate in one-hour relationship enhancement tutorials tailored to their specific improvement.


Tony's approach is grounded in the Gottman Institute Method, which has been demonstrated through 50 years of research to bring about meaningful, positive, lasting relationship change. 


To enquire about Couples counselling, use the contact information at top of the page. Tony's clinical availability is Fridays, and some Saturdays.



The Seven Principles Couples Workshop 


Tony is a Gottman Leader, and leads this relationship education workshop, based on over 50 years of empirical relationship research by the Gottman Institute designed for couples in committed relationships, to assist them understand and apply the research about what makes marriages work, versus what makes marriages fail.


​The Couples Workshop includes 12 hours of relationship education. Workshops are small - usually 6 - 10 couples. Participants are not asked to share personal problems in front of others. The course provides proven tools to help couples:

  • Improve their friendship, fondness and admiration

  • Enhance their romance and intimacy

  • Manage their conflict more constructively

  • Gain skills to address perpetual and solvable problems

  • Create shared meaning

  • Maintain the gains made throughout their lifetime


The Couples course is most suitable for:

  • Pre-engaged, Pre-marital

  • Newlyweds to seniors

  • Couples who wish to enhance a good marriage

  • Couples needing better conflict management tools


The training is not suited for couples experiencing severe relationship conflict, such as characterlogical violence - couples counselling is likely more approirate.



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Workshop dates are set once sufficient clients have enrolled. To express your interest in joining a future Couples Workshop, contact Tony using the email or phone number shown at the top of this page.

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