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If we think the way we have always thought, we'll feel the way we have always felt

Courage doesnt always roar. Sometimes it is a quiet voice that says "Tomorrow I will try again"

Mental Fitness for Adults & Seniors

Everywhere, indicators show mental health in decline. One in five of us now experience a mental health condition EACH YEAR. To weather our life storms, we all need healthier ways to heal and bounce back from our human problems of daily living, and we need to become as interested about improving our mental fitness as we are about our improving our physical fitness.


Tony's mental fitness counselling is designed to help clients not only survive our storms but to grow and thrive through them - utilising the best techniques from proven psychological therapies including ACT, DBT, CBT, MI, and CMT. Tony's clients typically seek help with stress, anxiety, depression, recovering from grief & loss, anger management, adjustment disorders, relationship distress, trauma & PTSD recovery, life planning, and employment challenges.  


Tony receives direct referrals from current and past clients, but also from GPs and Employers. With a GP referral, every Australian is eligible for Medicare rebate on up to 10 mental health sessions per calendar year - ask Tony about this.


To enquire about counselling, use the contacts at top of the page. Tony's current clinical availability is Friday and some Saturdays. 

Seniors' Mental Fitness

Not just a year older - A year better!

Old age is always 15 years olders than what I am

There is no reason ageing cannot be a positive experience with the right mindset, but for too many it is distressing, lonely and depressing.


Depression and ill mental health are not inevitable in older age - staying mentally fit includes accessing support before things become too difficult. Seeing a psychologist can be an empowering experience for older adults - it’s never too late to maintain brain and memory health and reduce depression and anxiety.


Tony uses mental health and dementia assessments, supportive CBT counselling, and brain fitness education, to help Seniors maintain the highest quality of mental health possible, regardless of whether they live in their own home, with family, in a village, or in aged care residence. 


Tony also helps Seniors navigate the many, often difficult later-life adjustments including keeping active, maintaining connections, retiring, maintaining thinking capabilities, coping with health conditions and pain,​ coping with loss, grief, loneliness, making significant life decisions, and changing living arrangements.

My Life Story

Tony encourages Seniors to create a legacy for their families - recording their life story either in writing, audio or video. Tony provides a set of questions that his clients use to prompt and structure this recording.


Once recorded, My Life Story will be an invaluable gift to leave for younger family generations, BUT psychologists are also very aware of the benefits of journalling, and Tony encourages this My Life Story journalling also for its cathartic, healing, joyful benefits to Seniors, as they reflect upon and share their story with kin - perhaps some offspring, like grandkids, might also get involved in helping complete this recording using smart phone technologies to capture their memories on audio or video.


Tony's more than 250 My Life Story prompt questions can be downloaded for FREE using this link.

To chat with Tony about counselling services for Adults and Seniors, please use the contact information at top of the page. Tony's current clinical availability is Fridays and some Saturdays.

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